1. Sebelum anda mendengarkan pernyataan dari tape recorder/suara narator, sebaiknya anda melihat terlebih dahulu jawaban/pilihan A,B,C,D pada lembar soal.
  2. Bacalah sepintas lalu (scanning) setiap kalimat pada pilihan A,B,C,D.
  3. Perhatikan secara seksama, ada beberapa kata dari setiap pilihan A,B,C,D yang tulisannya sama/diulang lebih dari satu kali.
  4. Kata – kata yang diulang itu merupakan TOPIK PEMBICARAAN.
  5. Arahkan/fokus pikiran anda pada topik itu.
  6. Dengarkan pernyataan pada tape recorder/narator.
  7. Ada kata/kelompok kata yg merupakan KATA KUNCI dari pernyataan narator.
  8. Buatlah KESIMPULAN dari kata kunci itu/CARI KATA LAIN/PENRNYATAAN LAIN yg mempunyai makna yang mirip/sama dengan kata kunci itu.
  9. 9. Kesimpulan/kata lain/pernyataan lain/sinonim dari kata kunci itu merupakan jawaban yg benar.

Perhatikan contoh berikut: Anda akan mendengarkan pernyataan dari narrator/tape recorder sbb:

1. The assignment is due the day after tomorrow. No extension will be given for this.

A. Simon is doing his job well, and they mentioned it.
B. You must do the assignment the day after tomorrow.
C. No sanction is given if you do the assignment the day after tomorrow.
D. It’s better for you to complete the task right away.

Dari contoh di atas, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa topik dari pernyataan narrator adalah tentang ASSIGNMENT. Perhatikan kata assignment pada pilihan B dan C diulang dua kali.

KATA KUNCI pada pernyataan narrator adalah assignment (tugas), due (jatuh tempo) the day after tomorrow, No extension (tdk ada perpanjangan waktu).

Maka pilihan yang paling tepat adalah (D) It’s better for you to complete the task right away.

Alasannya, kata “assignment” (tugas) pada pernyataan narrator mempunyai makna yg sama dengan “task” (tugas) pada pilihan (D). Selain itu, kelompok kata “due the day after tomorrow” dan “No extension” dapat kita simpulkan dgn pernyataan lain yakni “It’s better for you to complete the task right away” (sebaiknya dikerjakan sekarang).

Tips ini berlaku untuk Tes AcEPT Part 1 Listening Comprehension (NOMOR 1 – 10). Mudah – mudahan tips saya ini dapat bermanfaat bagi teman – teman semua. Tips yang lain akan saya bahas dilain kesempatan.

Tes AcEPT: Part V Composing Skills (Jumbled Sentence)

Soal nomor 37 – 40 berisi kalimat-kalimat yang tidak disusun dengan urutan yang logis. Anda diminta untuk memilih opsi yang menujukkan urutan kalimat logis yang membentuk paragraph.

Exercise 1

Look at the following text about growing cotton in India. The paragraphs have not been printed in the correct order. Arrange the paragraphs in the correct order. Remember that the topic of one paragraph should follow logically from the topic of the last paragraph and should lead on to the topic of the next paragraph.

(A) Most of the farmers are extremely poor. Attracted by cheap loans from pesticides traders and the prospect of a quick buck, they borrowed heavily to raise cotton on small plots of land.

(B) According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the crop losses and destruction in Andhra Pradesh arose from the repeated application of excessive amounts of chemicals – a practice actively encouraged by pesticides traders.

(C) The suicide of Samala Mallaiah in Nagara village grabbed media headlines. He owned one acre of land, leased two more and grew cotton on all three. After making a loss in the first year, he leased yet more land in an attempt to recover. Confronted with falling prices, mounting debts and pest attacks, he committed harakiri. ‘Cotton has given us shattered dreams,’ said one old farmer in Nagara village.

(D) As many as 60,000 small farmers in the region of Andhra Pradesh, southern India, have taken to farming cotton instead of food crops. Some 20 of them have recently committed suicide by eating lethal doses of pesticide.

(E) Whitefly, boll weevils and caterpillars multiplied and destroyed their crops, despite the constant application of pesticides. The average yield of cotton fields in Andhra Pradesh fell by more than half in just one year. Now the farmers are in no position to repay the loans or feed their families.

(F) Nearly half the pesticides used in India go into protecting cotton, the most important commercial crop in the country. However, pests have shown increased immunity to a range of pesticides. Last year there were heavy crop losses due to leaf-curl, which is caused by the dreaded whitefly. This nondescript, milky-white fly sucks sap from the cotton leaves, making them curl and dry up. The fly struck first in Pakistan and north-western India. Then it turned south.

(New Internationalist, June 1998, p. 13)

A) A C F E B D   B) D A E C F B   C) E A C F B D   D) C D A E F B   E) B D A C F E

Paragraphs – answers (berikut adalah urutan kronologis bacaan yang benar)

Jawaban yang benar adalah (B) D A E C F B

As many as 60,000 small farmers in the region of Andhra Pradesh, southern India, have taken to farming cotton instead of food crops. Some 20 of them have recently committed suicide by eating lethal doses of pesticide.

Most of the farmers are extremely poor. Attracted by cheap loans from pesticides traders and the prospect of a quick buck, they borrowed heavily to raise cotton on small plots of land.

Whitefly, boll weevils and caterpillars multiplied and destroyed their crops, despite the constant application of pesticides. The average yield of cotton fields in Andhra Pradesh fell by more than half in just one year. Now the farmers are in no position to repay the loans or feed their families.

The suicide of Samala Mallaiah in Nagara village grabbed media headlines. He owned one acre of land, leased two more and grew cotton on all three. After making a loss in the first year, he leased yet more land in an attempt to recover. Confronted with falling prices, mounting debts and pest attacks, he committed harakiri. ‘Cotton has given us shattered dreams,’ said one old farmer in Nagara village.

Nearly half the pesticides used in India go into protecting cotton, the most important commercial crop in the country. However, pests have shown increased immunity to a range of pesticides. Last year there were heavy crop losses due to leaf-curl, which is caused by the dreaded whitefly. This nondescript, milky-white fly sucks sap from the cotton leaves, making them curl and dry up. The fly struck first in Pakistan and north-western India. Then it turned south.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the crop losses and destruction in Andhra Padresh arose from the repeated application of excessive amounts of chemicals – a practice actively encouraged by pesticides traders.


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