TOEIC Practice Session

Now we are going to look at some examples from each section. When you are first learning about the TOEIC it is helpful to read the listening sections. Later, when you are familiar with the structure, you will want to practise with a tape or CD. For this practice session, any words that you see in red are words you would hear on a recording in the real test. Any words you see in blue are words you would read in your test booklet. *Make sure to read the explanatory answers for each example, even if you answer a question correctly. Explanatory answers identify common distractors (wrong answers) and reasons why an answer is correct or incorrect. When you have finished the examples, read these 20 TOEIC Tips.

Part I: Photographs
Part II: Question and Response
Part III: Short Conversations
Part IV: Short Talks
Part V: Incomplete Sentences
Part VI: Text Completion
Part VII: Reading Comprehension

Tips to help you prepare for the TOEIC test

The TOEIC® test is not based on information that can be read from any particular textbook. It is rather a measure of general overall English language proficiency. To improve your English capabilities, you need to study English and more importantly, practise it.

There are several things you can do everyday to help you prepare for the TOEIC® test.

  • Listen to music – Music helps you acquire the rhythm and stress patterns of spoken English.
  • Use the language – Set aside half an hour each day to communicate only in English. If you can’t do this face-to-face, send regular e-mail messages.
  • Read – Reading is the best way to improve your vocabulary. Read newspapers, magazines, websites, novels, and non-fiction books. Choose something that genuinely interests you and isn’t too challenging.
  • Write – Try keeping a daily journal where you can practice using new words and expressions. This helps reinforce sentence structures and vocabulary.
  • Listen to the radio and watch TV – this helps you pick up the language, and does not bore you either!
  • Take an English language course – If you are a beginner in English language learning and want to improve your language skills, you can take language training courses in any of the ETS Europe authorised language schools  in your city. A tip to help you maximise your learning experience: insist on taking the TOEIC® test before you start your course, and then again at the end – this will give you an accurate indication of the progress that you have made. Baca lebih lanjut